Friday, April 1, 2016

Found Poem
I compare thee lovely summer's day,
to the darling winds of may.
heaven shines during nature's changing course,
nature's fair chance to show it's gold complexion.
Hate Poem
You have bad hair,
that's why everybody likes to stare.

Your eyes look as if they are filled with mud,
       your outfits look like crud.

           You actually can't run,
        but you still try just for fun.
when was the last time you took a shower?
Because your smell could make dogs cower.

Your noes is too big 
you eat like a pig
you can't hear
and you give everyone fear.

You don't know how to live,
I have some advice to give.
Can you leave please? 
Here's your Keys.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

It was hot, too hot,and humid really humid. I felt like I couldn’t open my eyes, it was like they were stuck together. I brought my hand up to wipe away whatever was keeping my eyes shut. It felt hot and grainy, a very small grain almost like sugar. when I finally got my eyes open it was bright, with clear blue skies. I slowly sat up and looked around, there was sand, that's what the grainy stuff was! There were palm trees and… the ocean? I stood up and began to pace back and forth trying to remember how I got here. As I was pacing back and forth far off in the distance through the trees I saw something shining in the trees, it almost looked like a big piece of medal. As I got closer it was obvious that it had come from a small boat, it was worn and rusty but it didn’t look like it had any cracks or holes, so why was it here?

After I found the chunk of the small boat I went looking for more interesting things. I found many things like a spoon and a lot of coconuts and bananas. I walked back to the water I knew I was going to be here for a long while so I brought back the spoon, the coconuts and bananas, I brought lots of sticks and twigs and rocks. It was getting closer to the end of the day it was like 6:00 or 7:00. I was super dehydrated all ready and I knew I had to to do something and quick so I grabbed one of the rocks and a coconut. I placed it on a rock and began to try and crack open the coconut. It took a while but I finally got a hole in the coconut, I’ve never liked coconut milk but I was either going to drink that or I was going to waste it. After I finished the coconut I went over to the water and began to fill the coconut with it, I knew the basic survival tips luckily. I didn’t know how long it would take a coconut to burn though so I was going to have to test it and hopefully it won't burn too fast that way I could get water.

I finally did get water, it took a lot of effort but I did get it and now I know that I had to be smart with my water. As it was nearing the later hours, I was sitting around the fire that took me a while to make, eating some fruit when I felt the ground begin to shake, I didn’t know what to do I thought an earthquake maybe? No it was a volcano… I was trapped on a volcanic island with no communication, no escape barely any food and water.

I began to think that It was already in its late stages of eruption, but luckily for me I didn’t see black smoke coming up from the top of the mountain so I thought that I might be safe for a little bit longer. So I decided to get some rest it had be a long, interesting, hot day. The next morning I would find something to help me get off the island and I already had a couple ideas.

I woke up and immediately went to get my new half boat. I decided to test it and see if there were any leaks or cracks that I hadn't seen, there were couple little ones and I easily fixed them, throughout the day the shaking of the ground got progressively worse and I knew that I had to get off the island soon. I Started to build two paddles so that I could get away from the island as easy, fast and as safe as possible.

I was just beginning to build my spare paddle when I felt the ground start shaking, shaking like I hadn’t felt it shake before. This shaking was the worst of it all, especially when i looked up and a black cloud of smoke rising from the tip of the peak. I grabbed the sack I made out of the strongest leaves I could find with all of my food in it, I grabbed the rest of the supplies to  finish my spare paddle and darted for my mini boat, I paddled away from that place as fast as I could because I knew that it was going to erupt at any moment. I looked back for only a moment and I felt like time had dramatically slowed down as I watch the mountain on that island start spewing lava, and lots of it. I quickly turned my head and paddled away from the small island.

Now I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know where to go or what I was supposed to do with food and water, I had a limited amount of both. Before I left the island I did manage to cleanse more water so I could at least have a little bit of water every day. My food, all I have is bananas, mango's, some weird berry I'm hoping isn't poisonous, and a lot...A LOT! of coconuts.

uAs I lay on my boat, looking up at the stars, I thought to myself, how in the world did I get on that island anyways, I looked forward to see if I was making any progress, that’s when I saw lights, like maybe a doc? I paddled hard and fast happy to see something. It felt like it was taking forever to get there, as I got closer I slowed my paddling, It looked like there was something in the water. A large  animal? Oh no.. no it was sharks 3 or 4 of them. I started to frantically try to paddle away but they started following me one bumped the bottom of my boat and it rocked back and forth I kept paddling. I knew that I had to at least try and stay calm, they continued to bump the bottom of the boat each time it got worse and worse until they finally tipped me over, I began to swim away from them, that's when I felt a sharp pain in my right leg.

I sat up quickly in my bed, I heard screaming outside of my room, I got up quickly and ran to the front of the ship. We had wrecked and were sinking everybody frantically running all over the place, there were people getting on rescue rafts fleeing. I waited in line to get on a rescue raft but time was running out, it had been about 2 hours since I woke up with a bunch of people running around screaming. I turned to the guard and asked him
“there's not a very good chance that I'm getting on a rescue boat is there?”
“No sir there is not, but there’s the same chance for me” he answered
“okay” I said while jumping over the side of the boat, I began to swim, I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I was a good swimmer so swam and swam until I finally found a small island I laid on the beach of the island and passed out.
It was hot, too hot,and humid really humid. I felt like I couldn’t open my eyes, it was like they were stuck together. I brought my hand up to wipe away whatever was keeping my eyes shut. It felt hot and grainy, a very small grain almost like sugar. when I finally got my eyes open it was bright, with clear blue skies. I slowly sat up and looked around, there was sand, that's what the grainy stuff was! there were palm trees and...the ocean? I Felt like this was familiar too familiar. That's when I looked in the distance and I saw what I already knew. I knew what I had to do but this time I was going to beat it, I went  and grabbed the chunk of the boat checked for leaks and repaired it I grabbed a lot of food and cleansed a lot of water I stocked up and made my boat stronger and harder to  tip over I got my paddles ready and by the time I was setting up to leave I felt the ground begin to shake.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Welcome :) 
Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy I cant wait to get started :)